BlueCross and/or BlueShield Massage Therapists in New York, NY
NYS Licensed Massage Therapist for 20 years. Specializing in Medical Massage and Rehabilitative Care. First visit an evaluation, assestment, postural analysis, range of motion and muscle testing is done, to determine the best treatment plan for each patients/client's condition. Some modalities applied with the Massage Therapy treatment are PNF, Assisted Stretchting, Manual Traction, Joint and Soft Tissue Mobilization, Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Therapy and Connective Tissue Scraping(Gua Sha).
We also have Sports Massage techniques and treatment plans for athletics and dancers, with specialized stretches for Upper Back, Lower Back, Psoas and Piriformis Syndrome.
NYS Licensed Massage Therapist for 20 years. Specializing in Medical Massage and Rehabilitative Care. First visit an evaluation, assestment, postural analysis, range of motion and muscle testing is done, to determine the best treatment plan for each patients/client's condition. Some modalities applied with the Massage Therapy treatment are PNF, Assisted Stretchting, Manual Traction, Joint and Soft Tissue Mobilization, Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Therapy and Connective Tissue Scraping(Gua Sha).
We also have Sports Massage techniques and treatment plans for athletics and dancers, with specialized stretches for Upper Back, Lower Back, Psoas and Piriformis Syndrome.
Are you feeling stressed, worn out and chronically tired? Is your neck or back bothering you so much that you can't go about your day freely? In just one hour you'll feel relaxed and rejuvenated. Having worked in chiropractic offices I've helped people deal with pain and stress related conditions for years. From tight and throbbing neck and shoulders to the very discomforting lower back pain and sciatica symptoms. The reason for my successful practice lies in applied professionalism and the combination of techniques and modalities I use to address the specific needs of my patients.
Are you feeling stressed, worn out and chronically tired? Is your neck or back bothering you so much that you can't go about your day freely? In just one hour you'll feel relaxed and rejuvenated. Having worked in chiropractic offices I've helped people deal with pain and stress related conditions for years. From tight and throbbing neck and shoulders to the very discomforting lower back pain and sciatica symptoms. The reason for my successful practice lies in applied professionalism and the combination of techniques and modalities I use to address the specific needs of my patients.
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Our work is very holistic in nature and customized. We understand that physical pain can steal energy and resources. We know that nutrition can influence health and disease. We live in Stressful world. So many illnesses are related to some form of stress. We have research a support certain type of massage can erase patterns of Pain,Stress and Trauma. Addressing the mind and body can increase positive results. We put forth a constant effort to provide quality service to earn our richest asset your trust and respect. We devote our time and energy to meeting and exceeding the needs of our client for a lifetime of service.
Our work is very holistic in nature and customized. We understand that physical pain can steal energy and resources. We know that nutrition can influence health and disease. We live in Stressful world. So many illnesses are related to some form of stress. We have research a support certain type of massage can erase patterns of Pain,Stress and Trauma. Addressing the mind and body can increase positive results. We put forth a constant effort to provide quality service to earn our richest asset your trust and respect. We devote our time and energy to meeting and exceeding the needs of our client for a lifetime of service.